Home / WHO Guidelines for Oxygen Administration


(i) Resuscitation to be started using room air progressing to 30% Oxygen


(ii) For Preterm children oxygen should be administered until oxygen level in blood is between 88% to 95%

Initiated at 0.5 to 1 LPM*


Initiated at 5 to 10 LPM



Oxygen should be administered until oxygen level in blood is above 87% or 90%. Oxygen should only be ceased when the oxygen level in blood is atleast 87% or 90% for atleast 15 minutes on room air


In case of emergencies signs Oxygen should be delivered upto a level of >94%

Infants - Initiated at 1 to 2 LPM


Older Children - Initiated at 1 to 4 LPM



Non pregnant: >90%

Pregnant: 92%-95%

Risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure – 88% - 92%

Initiated at 5 LPM


For patients with severe hypoxemia upto 15LPM


 Emergency signs include obstructed or absent breathing, severe respiratory distress, central cyanosis, signs of shock, come or convulsion

 *LPM – Litres per minute